The HR Inside Summit –12th – 13th October 2016- is Austria’s biggest event of its kind. Located at the Hofburg Palace in the heart of the Vienna city centre, it brings together over 2000 Human Resources professionals. The focus this year is “content, content, content”. As the person who is responsible for curating speakers and designing the program, the pressure is really on.
Having a background in Human Resources helps in understanding what a Human Resources event should incorporate. What are the trends in HR? What are the problems HR is facing? What are job-seekers looking for? How can a company foster great culture? With all these questions and more in mind, we are developing a fantastic 2-day program.
Keynotes at the HR Inside Summit
What is it like to work for a company that is changing the way we listen to music? A global company with over 1600 employees around the globe introduced a 100% paid parental leave for 6 months for all its employees. Oh and your onboarding plan includes a trip to the head office is Stockholm, Sweden. What better way is there to integrate all employees into the company. Michael Kim, Spotify’s Global HR Business Partner will be be keynoting at the HR Inside Summit. He will be sharing with us the culture at Spotify, how HR plays a role in the success of the company and what the future will bring.
Let’s move on from culture to leadership. What does it take to be a great leader? A master’s degree? Confidence? Great communication skills? Professor Jutta Tobias will speak about Mindful Leadership on October 12. What is it and how does mindfulness play a role in being a great leader? Jutta’s current research focus is on establishing a scientific evidence base for linking mindfulness-based interventions with organisational transformation. She has received several Cranfield University Research and Teaching Awards, including for her innovative work on incorporating mindfulness into academic and executive education, and her research has been published in a number of academic journals.
Speaking of leaders, Dr. Jonathan Reichental, Chief Information Officer of the City of Palo Alto will be speaking about how to build award-winning teams. He believes that his role as CIO is not just about being a Chief Information Officer, but also a Chief Inspiration Officer. We could learn a thing or two from Jonathan as he has won numerous awards including, best CIO in Silicon Valley and a national IT leadership prize. This year, he was named one of the top 20 Influential CIOs.
Topic Sessions at the HR Inside Summit
The 2-day program is packed full of keynotes, networking and topic sessions. What is a topic session? It can be a workshop, a Q&A session with a Speaker, a podium discussion or just about anything that will bring great content to the program. Want to know more about how Personal Branding can help you advance your career? Attend this informative topic session. What about working from home or offsite – join the session with experts to learn how to develop the right platform for employees to work while not in the office. If you really enjoyed one of the keynotes, join a session with the speaker to learn more, ask questions or just chat.
There you have it. A short overview of the HR Inside Summit. The program is still in the works and I would like to give a shout out the HR Advisory Board for all their feedback and expertise.
We look forward to seeing you at the HR Inside Summit on October 12 & 13.
Come and get inspired, learn from the best and let business happen!
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